It was an evil period of dark cloud shrouding over the good and the righteous. With the enlightened apperance of Guru Nanak at that disastrous moment, was like a silver lining on the dark cloud. His preaching acted like gospel of brotherhood, love and peace, firing up the society to face the unpredictable, to overcame the evil and light up the human heart with love and devotion for God, which otherwise was waning. The great saint, Guru Nanak Dev was born in 1469 A.D. in Rai-Bhoi-ditalwandi, which is currently known as the Shekhupura district of Pakistan. He was the first of the 10 famous Sikh Gurus who gave the religion of Sikhism a compete new set of ideology. It was these 10 Gurus who shaped the cultural beliefs of the Sikhs and is till today hailed with utmost respect and love. Born in the month of Kartik or full moon NanakJi's birthday is celebrated not only in India but all over the world as Guru Nanak Jayanti by the Sikh community. This celebration is known as the Gurupurab. The Sikh worldwide consider it as one of the most auspicious occasion and hence during this day they glorify the saint by singing hymns in his praise and reading the Guru Granth Sahib non-stop for fort-eight hours at a stretch. The ceremony is always held in the Gurudawaras with a huge crowd who gathers for the occasion and sings hymns to glorify the great saint.
Guru Nanak's Teachings
Nanak preferred to eat with the poor than the rich. When asked why, he took two slices of bread, one belonging to a rich man and one to a poor man. When squeezed the poor man's bread, it oozed milk. And the rich man's bread oozed blood. In the manner, he taught that people should make an honest living. Once, while at Mecca - Medina, Nanak was taking a nap with his feet pointing to the 'Kaba'. An angry moulvi, shifted his feet. And in whichever direction Nanak's feet were sifted the 'Kaba' also shifted.In this way, the omnipresense of God was explained.
The 'Japji Sahib': 'Japji' means morning prayer: He has composed a set of poems that form the first chapter of the Sikh scripture and holy book - the Guru Granth Sahib. These poems talk about meditations and throughts from his teachings, and serve to inspire many - a - Sikh to live a good life, following the basic principles of prayer, right living and thinking and the Unity of God and our fellow beings.
Bid Adieu to the World
Guru Nank passed on in 1538 AD. at the age of 70. His own son did not succeed him. Instead he choose Lelna and renamed him Angad, which means 'my own limb' to be his successor and guide the Sikhs into new awakening.
Guru Nanak's Teachings
Nanak preferred to eat with the poor than the rich. When asked why, he took two slices of bread, one belonging to a rich man and one to a poor man. When squeezed the poor man's bread, it oozed milk. And the rich man's bread oozed blood. In the manner, he taught that people should make an honest living. Once, while at Mecca - Medina, Nanak was taking a nap with his feet pointing to the 'Kaba'. An angry moulvi, shifted his feet. And in whichever direction Nanak's feet were sifted the 'Kaba' also shifted.In this way, the omnipresense of God was explained.
The 'Japji Sahib': 'Japji' means morning prayer: He has composed a set of poems that form the first chapter of the Sikh scripture and holy book - the Guru Granth Sahib. These poems talk about meditations and throughts from his teachings, and serve to inspire many - a - Sikh to live a good life, following the basic principles of prayer, right living and thinking and the Unity of God and our fellow beings.
Bid Adieu to the World
Guru Nank passed on in 1538 AD. at the age of 70. His own son did not succeed him. Instead he choose Lelna and renamed him Angad, which means 'my own limb' to be his successor and guide the Sikhs into new awakening.