The benefits of yogasana,pranayama and dhyana include increased body awareness, release of muscular tension and better co-ordination between mind and body. It helps in better management of stress and ensure an overall feeling of well-being.
Symtoms of possible anxiety
- Feeling restless
- Being easily fatigued
- Difficulty in concentration or mind going blank
- Muscle tension
- Sleep disturbance
Yoga to destress
The following breathing excercise done and dhyana, while listening to the sounds of the soothing 'Om' chant for 20 minutes on a regular basis, helps in overcoming stress.
- Sit in any comfortable posture with head and spine straight and left hand in Gyan mudra (join tip of thumb and index finger)
- Close the left nostril with ring and little finger of right hand and inhale through right nostril. The breath should be slow, stready and fully.
- Then close the right nostril by pressing it gently with your thumb, and open your left nostril by relaxing your ring and little finger. Exhale fully, slowly and steadily.
- Now keeping the right nostril closed, inhale through the left; then close left and exhale through right.
- This completes one round (inhale through the right nostril, exhale through the left, and inhale through the left, exhale through the right).
Health Tips
- Excerise and physical activity reduces stress.
- Set realistic expectations. Do your best and remember that nobody is perfect.
- Learn to love yourself and respect others. Be with people who accept and respect you.
- Remember drugs and alcohol never solve problems.